Qinling Panda
The Qinling panda bear (Ailuropoda melanoleuca qinlingensis) is one of two sub-species to the giant panda bear. It was the first giant panda sub-species to be identified and was named in 2005.
So far the Qinling Panda has only been found in the Qinling mountains. There are estimated to be only 200-300 individuals of the Qinling panda species and so is classed as critically endangered.
The WWF are working to increase this population and say that their objective is to increase the Qinling Panda population by 10% by 2012.
This sub-species is notably different to other pandas due to its smaller skull and body and colouring. Instead of being black and white, the Qinling panda is dark brown and light brown.
Information on this sub-species is limited so if you know more please share it.
May 30, 2010
Maddia (Admin) В·
Tags: Animals, Bears, endangered animals, rare bears, wild animals В· Posted in: Panda Bear Species
2 Responses
Do you have any pictures of Qinling Pandas?
Not at the moment but I’m hoping to get some pictures of a Qinling Panda so watch this space!