My Pets: Orchid
Animal: Guinea Pig
Colour: White
Breed: Believed to be a Pink Eyed White
Size: Medium to large size for a guinea pig
Gender: Female
Birthday: 14th January 2009
Orchid, along with her ‘sisters’ Pixie and Hazel were the first ever guinea pigs that I ever had. These three guinea pigs were all bought from the same pet shop at the same time, so we believe them all to be sisters. However, Pixie and Hazel are of Dutch colouring, whereas Orchid looks like a Self White or a Pink Eyed White guinea pig. This could indicate that they are not at all related, or Orchid could be an albino as she is completely white with pink eyes.
Out of all my guinea pigs Orchid takes the role of ‘herd leader’ and as in the wild, acts as the leader of the pack.
Orchid lives in the same hutch as her sisters and comes out for floor time with Pixie, Hazel, Aurea, Gerty, Charcoal and Star, and also my rabbit Velvet.
April 13, 2010
Maddia (Admin) В·
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