What Do Giant Land Snails Eat?
Whether you have a giant American or giant African land snail, they will most likely have the same dietary requirements. Of course when you buy a giant land snail you should always ask then what it eats so you have some idea of what it is used to eating.
As a rough guide here are the basic things that should be in your giant land snail’s diet.
Vegetables and fruit:
Your snail will require a variety of leafy green vegetables such as lettuce and cabbage. They also like cucumber, peppers, green beans, sweet corn, spinach, grapes, melon and tomatoes. Generally the darker the vegetable is the more nutritional value the food will have. Snails will generally eat any fruit or vegetables that are given to them and are famous for eating up to half a thousand different plant species.
Cuttlefish bones:
This is a vital food for your giant African land snail as it provides an excellent calcium source. Calcium is needed for the snail’s shell to make it stronger and repair any damage to it. Other sources of calcium include crushed egg shells. One cuttlefish bone is likely to last one snails at least 24 months. If you get your cuttlefish bones from the beach you should soak them for t least 24 hours in clean, fresh water, to get rid of the salt or any chemicals that may have been absorbed.
Other Foods:
Some giant land snails apparently like brown bread and moistened vegetables. I have also heard of people feeding their giant land snails minced meat; I have yet to decide whether I think this is a good idea to feed mine, as I believe it will make their droppings smelly, and in the wild is this really what they’d naturally eat?
It isn’t necessary to provide a water dish as the snails should be able to get enough water from the food and the fact that their tank is misted with water every couple of days. If you do decide to provide extra water the dish should be shallow, so the snail won’t drown.
Foods to avoid:
Never give your snail pasta as this has the possibility to kill them. Other food’s to avoid are chocolate, sweets, curry and mints among other foods.
Never give anything to your snail that you’re not sure it is definitely safe for it to eat.
Fresh food should be given every day and old food removed.
May 22, 2010
Maddia (Admin) ·
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Tags: giant african land snails, giant american land snails, Giant Land Snail Care, Giant Land Snails · Posted in: Giant Land Snail Care, Giant Land Snail Information