Extinct Bears: Dwarf Panda
The dwarf panda or Ailuropoda minor as it is scientifically known is a dwarf species of panda bear. This panda is thought to have lived in China about two million years ago. The dwarf panda was about half the size of today’s giant panda, being about 3 feet long at most; giant pandas can be […]
May 30, 2010
Maddia (Admin) ·
Tags: Animals, Bears, panda bears, rare animals, rare bears, wild animals · Posted in: Extinct Bears, Panda Bear Species
Giant Panda Bear
The giant panda bear is one of the few bears, along with other panda species that does not belong to the Ursus (Bear) family. Instead they belongs to the Ailurpoda family, with the exception of the Red Panda, which belongs to Ailuridae; yet are classified as bears. The bear that is closest related to the […]
May 30, 2010
Maddia (Admin) ·
Tags: Animals, Bears, endangered animals, panda bears, rare animals, wild animals · Posted in: Panda Bear Species
Kermode Bear (Spirit Bear)
The Kermode bear, Ursus americanus kermodei, or ‘spirit bear’ or ‘ghost bear’ as it is more commonly known, is actually counted as a black bear despite its cream colour. The Kermode bear is actually not a separate species of bear, but is a white-coloured sub-species of the American Black Bear. However only about one tenth […]
May 30, 2010
Maddia (Admin) ·
Tags: Bears, black bears, rare animals, rare bears, videos, white bears, wild animals · Posted in: Black Bear Species