Swamp Rabbit
The Swamp Rabbit , (Sylvilagus aquaticus) is a large species of cottontail rabbit that can be found in certain regions in the Southern United States. This rabbit is well adapted to the wetlands and swamps in which it lives as it is one of the few rabbit species which are strong swimmers as it needs to easily be able to cross streams, ponds and swamps.
Swamp rabbits are also really fast at running, being able to achieve a remarkable speed of around 45 miles per hour, running often in zig-zag lines, to escape predators. If a predator is spotted a while away, this semi-aquatic rabbit may decide to sit low in the water until the predator has gone. When it is sitting in the shallow water, only it’s nose will be exposed so the rabbit can still breathe.
Out of the Cottontail rabbit genus ‘Sylvilagus’, the swamp rabbit is one of the bigger species, and can weigh in between three and six pounds. Like the majority of the Lagomorph species (rabbits, hares and pikas) females generally tend to be a lot bigger than the males of the same species.
In appearance this rabbit is generally a dull brown colour with a lighter tummy. Characteristic to nearly all Cottontail rabbits, the bottom of its stubby tail is white – the part of the tail that can clearly be seen when the rabbit is retreating from a predator.
The Swamp rabbit’s diet is mainly made up of seeds, grasses and rushes that can be found in its native habitat.
In 1979 swamp rabbits came into the news when one of these animals tried to board President Jimmy Carter’s boat. President Carter who was said to be fishing at the time, tried to discourage the rabbit from his boat by splashing water at it with his paddle. This rabbit gained the name of the ‘killer rabbit’ from the Press in honour of the violent rabbit in the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
August 12, 2010
Maddia (Admin) ·
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Posted in: Rabbit Breeds, Wild Rabbits