Save The Tiger

Tigers are beautiful animals, but are greatly endangered. There are only believed to be 3,200 tigers left in the wild and this number is continuing to fall. There are as few as 150 Bengla Tigers in Nepal. Many tiger species are classified as endangered, critically endangerd or near extinction due to poaching, hunting and habitat loss among other things.

Once these tigers are lost, they can not be brought back.

Luckily there are a number of things you can do to help.

Sign the petition. The WWF desperately needs you to sign their petition to tell the politicains that you care and don’t want tigers to be a thing of the past.

Raise Awareness – Tell your friends and family about the tiger and how they are extremely vulnerable to extinction. The WWF offers things such as free wallpapers and banners for websites and blogs to tell people about how vulnerable tigers are and to gain more support.

Donate what you can. There are many organisations out there who dedicate their time to protecting tigers. A small donation will be greatly appreciated and will contribute towards saving endangered animals from extinction.

Adopt A Tiger – Many Tiger Protecting Organisations offer the option to adopt a tiger. The WWF’s tiger adoption pack allows you to adopt a tiger for as little as £3 a month (as of time of writing). This money will be used in a number of different ways to preserve the tiger from extinction, such as providing rangers to protect against poaching, restoring habitats and stopping deforestation, and working with goverments to prevent the loss of several species.

Become a WWF member – This is a fantastic way to help all endnagered species and saving them from extinction. (I have been a member now for almost a year).

In the Chinese Zodiac calander, February 14th 2010 – February 2nd 2011 is the Year of the Tiger. The next year of the tiger is February 1st 2022 – January 21st 2023; The WWF are trying to double the number of wild tigers by 2022 – so please help safe the tiger.

We want our children to be able to see tigers don’t we? Save the Tiger, the largest of all big cats, before it is too late.

Tigers on the brink 3,200 and falling Year of the tiger Save the tiger

September 25, 2010 · Maddia (Admin) · One Comment
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: Animal Blog, How You Can Help Save Endangered Animals, Tigers, Wild Cat Information

One Response

  1. Henry - July 30, 2011

    Great tiger pic!