My Pets: Morjoy Tulip
Animal: Â Pony
Colour: Bright Bay with black legs and a faint dorsal stripe. Also has a whirl on her forehead.
Size: Â 31 inches at the wither
Breed: Miniature Shetland
Gender: female
Birthday: 11th May 2003
This picture shows her with her winter coat.
Tulip is a very special pony to me as she was the first mare I got when I restarted the Goldsytch Shetland pony stud in late February 2010. Before I was born, my parents ran this Shetland pony stud and bred several ponies (including Goldsytch Gradbach, who I got at the same time as Tulip).
Tulip’s mother, Goldsytch Tenzing, was also a pony that my parents bred all those years ago. Tulip looks exactly like her mother, Goldsytch Tenzing, and Tenzing’s mother, Parlington Lady Di. Tulip’s father is a pony called Bulkwyn Hunmbug, who we believe to be piebald or skewbald.
‘Morjoy’ is Tulip’s stud name and also tells us that she was bred at the Morjoy stud, which also happens to be the same as the ‘Bulkwyn’ stud as they are both run by the same people.
Tulip has already had 3 or 4 foals, although I am unsure of their names as she had these before I got her.
On May 14th 2010 we put Tulip and Goldsytch Gradbach together for an April foal next year.
There will be regular updates on the ‘Shetland Pony Updates’ page at this website. A link can be found at the top left of this page.
May 23, 2010
Maddia (Admin) ·
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Tags: Animals, Horses, My Shetland Ponies, Pets, ponies · Posted in: My Pet Updates, My Shetland Ponies