My Pets: Charcoal
Name: Charcoal
Charcoal was actually my brother’s guinea pig but I helped to look after her.
Animal: Guinea Pig
Colour: Mainly black with a few brown speckles
Size: medium to large size for a guinea pig
Breed: Unknown
Gender: Female
Birthday: 9th March 2007
Charcoal was bought from a pet shop along with her sister, Star, both of whom belong to my brother.
Charcoal lives with her sister in a hutch which is inside a shed where I keep my other guinea pigs and rabbit. In the daytime Charcoal can run around under supervision in the shed with all the other guinea pigs.
Unfortunately, on the 15th December 2010, we made the hard decision to have Charcoal put to sleep after we found her that morning in a very bad way and displaying possible signs of having fits and brain problems. She will be missed very much.
April 13, 2010
Maddia (Admin) В·
Tags: Animals, My Guinea Pigs, Pets В· Posted in: My Guinea Pigs, My Pet Updates
2 Responses
Are your guinea pigs living in a cage with a wire bottom? If so then, change that IMMEDIATELY. This can cause an ugly foot problem, bumblefoot. Guinea pigs should never be housed on wire. Ever.
Apart from that, I’m very sorry for your loss, I know what it is like, losing a pet. My poor Gracie is gone. On further reading, I don’t think that that is their actual cage, but just in case, I’m leaving the wire notice on above.
Hi Izzy,
No, none of our guinea pigs have ever lived in a cage with a wire floor due to the dangers that these impose. That picture above, was just a temporary run we made for a few weeks after we moved house; the guinea pigs were always supervised when in it.