Giant African Land Snail Photos
So, about a week ago I got three baby giant african land snails! They’re called Felicity, Claire and Shelley. Here’s some of the first ever pictures I took of them: enjoy!
Also if you now which species they are please comment. I’m still in the process of identifying them but will appreciate all the help I can get! I believe them to be Achatina Achatina.
Look out for more updates and photos of my giant african land snails under the ‘My Pets’ section.
June 11, 2010
Maddia (Admin) В·
Tags: giant african land snails, giant land snail photos, Giant Land Snails В· Posted in: Giant Land Snail Information, My Giant African Land Snails, My Pet Updates
4 Responses
Cool! How big do these African land snails get?
The size that the snail grows too will depend on the species it is. I believe mine to be Achatina Achatina so they’re likely to have a shell length of about 20cm long! The most common type of giant african land snail is Achatina Fulica and they have an average shell length of 5-10cm when they are fully grown, although they can reach 20cm and even 30cm in some cases!
Excellent photos. How long do the Giant African Land Snails live?
It depends on the species of giant african land snail that the snail is, but generally about 6-7 years although they can exceed 10 years in many cases.