Archive for the ‘Horse and Pony Breeds’ Category
Shetland Ponies In The Snow
Recently we’ve had a lot of cold, bitter weather with temperatures going below freezing for several days in a row. Every morning for the last week or so, at around 7am I went down to my ponies’ fields and ended up having to break the ice on their water buckets and troughs – mostly there […]
November 28, 2010
Maddia (Admin) ·
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Tags: feeding ponies in the snow, feeding shetland ponies in the snow, My Shetland Ponies, shetland ponies, shetland ponies in the snow · Posted in: Horse and Pony Breeds, Horse and Pony Care, Horse and Pony Information, My Pet Updates
Falabella Miniature Horses
The Falabella miniature horse is one of the smallest and rarest equine breeds in the world. In fact, there are only believed to be around 2,000 to 3,000 falabellas left in the world. Strangely, the ‘Falabella’ pony is not actually strictly speaking a pony, but a very small horse. The height at the withers of […]
July 4, 2010
Maddia (Admin) ·
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Tags: horse breeds, Horses, miniature horses, miniature ponies, pony breeds · Posted in: Horse and Pony Breeds
The History Of Exmoor Ponies
The Exmoor pony is one of the oldest breed of ponies native to the UK, that can still be found living wild in Exmoor. Often mixed up with Dartmoor ponies, the true Exmoor ponies have very specific colouring of a bay body, with a lighter muzzle, and a black mane and tale and legs. Today […]
June 6, 2010
Maddia (Admin) ·
Tags: equine, exmoor pony, history of exmoors, horse, horse and pony, Wild Ponies · Posted in: Horse and Pony Breeds, Horse and Pony Information, Wild Ponies