Archive for September, 2011

Pet Portraits at Reasonable Prices

I am now doing pet portraits at very reasonable prices in a variety of sizes and mediums, you choose which. Examples of my work: The colours on the images haven’t shown up that well… All artwork is produced on paper. Where colour is applied either pencils or pastels, or a mixture of both, will be […]

September 10, 2011 · Maddia (Admin) · Comments Closed
Tags: , , ,  · Posted in: Pet Portraits

Shetland Pony Update – Photos August/September 2011

So, I thought I’d do a quick update of the ponies with the recent photos that I’ve taken of them! Hover over the images to see they are.  

September 10, 2011 · Maddia (Admin) · Comments Closed
Posted in: Goldsytch Miniature Shetland Ponies, My Pet Updates, My Shetland Ponies

My Pets: Mignon Velvet (Victor)

Name: Mignon Vevet Animal:  Pony Colour: Skewbald Strawberry Roan and White Size:  to make 32 inches? Breed: Miniature Shetland Gender: male Birthday: 15th May 2011 Nicknames: Victor, Vic I innitially got Victor on a loan basis on August 5th 2011 when I bought his mother, Hermits Velvet Rose, and he came along too as he […]

September 10, 2011 · Maddia (Admin) · Comments Closed
Posted in: Goldsytch Miniature Shetland Ponies, My Shetland Ponies

My Pets: Hermits Velvet Rose

Name: Hermits Velvet Rose (Rosie) Animal:  Pony Colour: Strawberry Roan with white star on forehead. Size:  30 inches at the wither Breed: Miniature Shetland Gender: female Birthday: 5th May 2003 I got Rosie on the 5th August 2011 when she and her foal, Mignon Velvet, were delivered to our farm. Initaially, I only bought her […]

September 10, 2011 · Maddia (Admin) · Comments Closed
Posted in: Goldsytch Miniature Shetland Ponies, My Shetland Ponies

Halter Training Victor – 10th September 2011

I’ve just got in from a monring session of training Victor (Mignon Velvet), the adorable miniature shetland pony foal we have. Today he was very lively; jumping everywhere, annoying the mares (Morjoy Tulip and Hermits Velvet Rose) and rolling about on the wet grass. Luckily for our stallion, (Goldsytch Gradbach), Victor chose to ignore him. […]

September 10, 2011 · Maddia (Admin) · Comments Closed
Posted in: Goldsytch Miniature Shetland Ponies, My Pet Updates, My Shetland Ponies

Halter Training Victor – 9 September 2011

Today I did some halter training with Victor, this time quite late in the evening – about 8pm. And for the first time I heard his neigh! My dad and I went down to see the ponies, I had the lead rope and halter for Victor and my dad watched – it was the first […]

September 10, 2011 · Maddia (Admin) · Comments Closed
Posted in: Goldsytch Miniature Shetland Ponies, My Pet Updates, My Shetland Ponies

Halter Training Victor – 8 September 2011

Today I attached the lead rope to Victor’s halter for the first time. I’d managed to catch him and get his head collar on fairly easily and clipped the blue lead rope onto the metal ring. At first Victor was confused. He moved his head up and down trying to shake the rope off; he […]

September 10, 2011 · Maddia (Admin) · Comments Closed
Tags: ,  · Posted in: Goldsytch Miniature Shetland Ponies, My Pet Updates, My Shetland Ponies

Velvet’s Big Day Out – 24 August 2011

Ok, so I’m a little bit behind with writing this post, but everything’s just been so busy! So on the 24th August 2011 Velvet (my black rex rabbit) was due to have his next injection (he has one for CYLAP every year and one every six months for anti-myxomatosis) so we took him in the […]

September 4, 2011 · Maddia (Admin) · Comments Closed
Tags:  · Posted in: My Pet Updates, My Rabbits

My Pets’ Update: July 2011 – August 2011

  Well, I haven’t done a ‘My Pets’ Update’ for a while, so I’ve decided to one that convers the last two months. Ok, so I know it’s actually the beginning of September as I write this, but hopefully I’ll get round to doing another update very soon. Well actually I did do an update […]

September 4, 2011 · Maddia (Admin) · Comments Closed
Posted in: My Giant African Land Snails, My Guinea Pigs, My Pet Updates, My Rabbits, My Shetland Ponies

Halter Training Victor – 4 Sep 2011

Just got back in from another training session with Victor (Mignon Velvet) – a very adorable little skewbald roan miniature Shetland foal. And today I managed to get his head collar on easily. And he didn’t mind! The other times when I’ve been training him I could get the nose loop on him and bring […]

September 4, 2011 · Maddia (Admin) · Comments Closed
Tags: , ,  · Posted in: Goldsytch Miniature Shetland Ponies, My Pet Updates, My Shetland Ponies